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[tree-ssa] -> [tree-ssa-cfg]


I have created the branch.  I will commit the big ugly patch there
once I make it behave sanely again.


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RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/cvs.html,v
retrieving revision 1.111
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*** cvs.html	8 Aug 2003 18:11:51 -0000	1.111
--- cvs.html	13 Aug 2003 21:48:35 -0000
*************** particular releases or snapshots or the 
*** 185,190 ****
--- 185,197 ----
    <dd>Work on implementing SSA analysis and optimization for trees 
    is done in this branch.</dd>
+   <dt>tree-ssa-cfg-branch</dt>
+   <dd>A subbranch of <a
+   href="projects/tree-ssa/">tree-ssa-20020619-branch</a> with purpose
+   of changing the current tree of statements + cfg code representation
+   to the one based only on cfg.  Later optimizations that could benefit
+   from a simpler cfg manipulation may be developed here.</dd>
    <dd>This branch is for work aimed primarily
    at making GCC itself run faster.  No checkin policy has yet been

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