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GCC Framework support in Linux

Hi list,

As I am not member of this list, so let me introduce a bit. I am a developer creating frameworks and applications for the GNUstep project (

A friend of mine has pointed me to this message:

I think that disabling framework support for linux is not a good idea. The project GNUstep is free implementation variant of OpenStep - predcessor of OSX. GNUstep has frameworks and they are almost the same as OSX frameworks. At this time, GNUstep is using hacks like symlinks to shared libraries and headers to be able to support frameworks. Note, that GNUstep is cross-platform environment.

Because GNUstep is cross-platform environment, i would suggest not to restrict framework support only for OSX. I am crossposting this to discuss-gnustep and therefore I would like to open it to a discussion to find some way.

I am sending this message for second time, because you server rejected my email therefore, please, include as CC in your reply.


Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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