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[wwwdocs] Make contribute.html a bit more friendly

This patch makes contribute.html a bit more readable (at least IMVHO) by
adding links.  I'd also like to split up "Submitting Patches", but
that's something for another time.

The most significant change is the mentioning of copyright disclaimers,
which were previously not mentioned anywhere, apparently.

XHTML validated, OK?


Index: contribute.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/contribute.html,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -c -3 -p -r1.52 contribute.html
*** contribute.html	18 Jul 2003 18:54:50 -0000	1.52
--- contribute.html	1 Aug 2003 12:59:19 -0000
*** 9,38 ****
  <h1>Contributing to GCC</h1>
! <p>We strongly encourage contributions of code, bug fixes, new
! optimizations, new features, documentation updates, web page
! improvements, etc. for GCC.</p>
  <p>There are certain legal requirements and style issues which all
! contributions must meet.</p>
! <h2>Coding Standards</h2>
! <p>All contributions must conform to the <a
! href="";>GNU Coding
! Standards</a>.  There are also some <a
! href="codingconventions.html">additional coding conventions for
! GCC</a>; these include documentation and testsuite requirements as
! well as requirements on code formatting.  Submissions which do not
! conform to the standards will be returned with a request to address
! any such problems.</p>
! <h2><a name="copyright">Copyright Assignment</a></h2>
! <p>Before we can accept code contributions from you, we need a
! copyright assignment form filled out and filed with the FSF.</p>
! <p><a href="";>See some
  documentation by the FSF</a> for details and contact us (either via
  the <a href="";></a> list or the
  GCC maintainer that is taking care of your contributions) to obtain
--- 9,43 ----
  <h1>Contributing to GCC</h1>
! <p>We strongly encourage individuals as well as organisations to
! contribute to the development of GCC, in the form of new features, new
! or improved optimizations, bug fixes, documentation updates, web page
! improvements, etc....</p>
  <p>There are certain legal requirements and style issues which all
! contributions must meet  This page explains how the acceptation
! procedures work.</p>
! <ul>
! <li><a href="#legalprerequisits">Legal Prerequisits</a></li>
! <li><a href="#codingstandards">Coding Standards</a></li>
! <li><a href="#testing">Testing Patches</a></li>
! <li><a href="#docchanges">Documentation Changes</a></li>
! <li><a href="#wwwdocschanges">Web Site Changes</a></li>
! <li><a href="#submittingpatches">Submitting Patches</a></li>
! </ul>
! <hr />
! <h2><a name="legalprequisits">Legal Prerequisits</a></h2>
! <p>Before we can incorporate legally significant contributions, certain
! legal requirements must be met to ensure that the FSF continues to has
! the legal right to distribute GCC.</p>
! <p>The FSF prefers that a contributor files a copyright assignment for
! large contributions.
! <a href="";>See some
  documentation by the FSF</a> for details and contact us (either via
  the <a href="";></a> list or the
  GCC maintainer that is taking care of your contributions) to obtain
*************** the relevant forms.  It's a good idea to
*** 40,49 ****
  <a href="";></a> a copy of
  your request.</p>
! <p>Small changes can be accepted without a copyright assignment form
! on file.</p>
! <!-- referenced from cvswrite.html -->
  <h2><a name="testing">Testing Patches</a></h2>
  <p>All patches must be thoroughly tested.  We encourage you to test
--- 45,73 ----
  <a href="";></a> a copy of
  your request.</p>
! <p>If a contributor is reluctant to sign a copyright assignment for
! a large change, and is willing to sign a disclaimer instead, that is
! acceptable as well.  However, obviously a copyright assignment is
! more convenient if a contributor plans to make several separate
! contributions.</p>
! <p>Small changes can be accepted without a copyright disclaimer or a
! copyright assignment form on file.</p>
! <h2><a name="codingstandards">Coding Standards</a></h2>
! <p>All contributions must conform to the <a
! href="";>GNU Coding
! Standards</a>.  There are also some <a
! href="codingconventions.html">additional coding conventions for
! GCC</a>; these include documentation and testsuite requirements as
! well as requirements on code formatting.</p>
! <p> Submissions which do not conform to the standards will be returned
! with a request to address any such problems.</p>
! <!-- also referenced from cvswrite.html -->
  <h2><a name="testing">Testing Patches</a></h2>
  <p>All patches must be thoroughly tested.  We encourage you to test
*************** them.</p>
*** 89,94 ****
--- 113,121 ----
  must perform a complete bootstrap; however, running other language
  test suites is not necessary.</p>
+ <h2><a name="docchanges">Documentation Changes</a></h2>
  <p>Documentation changes do not require a bootstrap, but you must
  perform <code>make info</code> and <code>make dvi</code> and correct
  any errors.  You should investigate complaints about overfull or
*************** underfull hboxes from <code>make dvi</co
*** 96,101 ****
--- 123,131 ----
  indication of serious markup problems, but do not feel obliged to
  eliminate them all.</p>
+ <h2><a name="wwwdocschanges">Web Site Changes</a></h2>
  <p>Changes to the web site must
  <a href="";>validate</a> as XHTML 1.0
  Transitional.  The web pages as checked into CVS do not include
*************** to it, because otherwise you cannot be s
*** 119,125 ****
  correctly on its own.  Include all your new test cases in your
  testsuite run.</p>
! <h2><a name="patches">Submitting Patches</a></h2>
  <p>Every patch must have several pieces of information before we can
  properly evaluate it:</p>
--- 149,156 ----
  correctly on its own.  Include all your new test cases in your
  testsuite run.</p>
! <h2><a name="submittingpatches">Submitting Patches</a></h2>
  <p>Every patch must have several pieces of information before we can
  properly evaluate it:</p>

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