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Re: preliminary html doc about locating regressions

This is an update of my document about how to locate GCC regressions.
It's based on notes from Craig Rodrigues, feedback in mailing lists, and
my own recent experiences.  I haven't yet figured out where to link it
from, but unless there are objections I'll check it in to wwwdocs/htdocs
as reghunt-howto.html.  It passes validation at http::/

Janis Johnson
IBM Linux Technology Center, OzLabs North

--- empty	Fri Dec 13 17:01:24 2002
+++ reghunt-howto.html	Wed Dec 18 11:25:19 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+<title>How to Locate GCC Regressions</title>
+<h1>How to Locate GCC Regressions</h1>
+<p>A regression is a bug that did not exist in a previous release.
+Problem reports for GCC regressions have a very high priority, and we
+make every effort to fix them before the next release.  Knowing which
+change caused a regression is valuable information to the developer
+who is fixing the problem, even if that patch merely exposed an existing
+<p>People who are familiar with building GCC but who don't have the
+knowledge of GCC internals to fix bugs can help a lot by identifying
+patches that caused regressions to occur.  The same techniques can be
+used to identify the patch that unknowingly fixed a particular bug on
+the mainline when that bug also exists as a regression on a release
+branch, allowing someone to port the fix to the branch.</p>
+<p>These instructions assume that you are already familiar with building
+GCC on your platform.</p>
+<h2>Search strategies</h2>
+<p>If you've got sufficient disk space available, keep old install
+tree around for use in finding small windows in which regressions
+occur.  Some people who do this regularly add information to GNATS
+about particular problem reports for regressions.</p>
+<p>Before you start your search, verify that you can reproduce the
+problem with GCC built from the current sources.  If not, the bug might
+have been fixed, or it might not be relevant for your platform, or the
+failure might only happen with particular options.  Next, verify that you
+get the expected behavior for the start and end dates of the range.</p>
+<p>The basic search strategy is to iterate through the following steps
+while the range is too large to investigate by hand:</p>
+<li><a href="#get_sources">Get GCC sources</a> for that date.</li>
+<li><a href="#build_gcc">Build GCC</a>, or specific components that are
+    needed for testing.</li>
+<li><a href="#run_test">Run the test</a>.</li>
+<li>Based on the outcome of the test, find the midpoint of the new
+    search range.</li>
+<p>The first three steps are described below.  They can be automated,
+as can the framework for the binary search (see the script in
+<a href="";>mail from
+Janis Johnson</a>, which might be added to <code>contrib/</code>).</p>
+<p>If you've narrowed down the dates sufficiently, it might be faster to
+give up on the binary search and start doing forward updates by small
+increments and then incremental builds rather than full builds.  Whether
+this is worthwhile depends on the relative time it takes to update the
+sources, to do a build from scratch, and to do an incremental build.</p>
+<p>Eventually you'll need to <a href="#identify_patch">identify the patch</a>
+and verify that it causes the behavior of the test to change.</p>
+<h2><a name="get_sources">Get GCC sources</a></h2>
+<p>Get a local CVS tree using the <a href="cvs.html">cvs instructions</a>.
+Use a read-only tree that is separate from what you use for development or
+other testing, since it's easy to end up with files in strange states.</p>
+<p>You'll be checking out the local tree used for the regression search
+over and over again.  If you've got enough disk space, either on the test
+system or on a machine to which it has fast access, it's much quicker to
+get a local copy of the GCC CVS repository using rsync by following the
+<a href="rsync.html">rsync instructions</a>.  Besides being quicker, it
+doesn't affect other GCC developers who are using the real repository.</p>
+<h3>CVS mainline</h3>
+<p>Check out the GCC CVS tree, specifying the date you want to test.  You
+can keep copies of the various ChangeLog files to compare later when you're
+ready to identify the patch that caused the regression.  For example:</p>
+    cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt; cplog
+    #! /bin/sh
+    mkdir -p logs/`dirname ${1}`
+    cp ${1} logs/${1}.${2}
+    EOF
+    chmod +x cplog
+    DATE=&quot;2002-05-01 10:15&quot;
+    LOGDATE=&quot;`echo ${DATE} | sed 's/[-: ]/_/g'`&quot;
+    cvs co -D &quot;${DATE}&quot; gcc &gt; log/${LOG_DATE}.log
+    find gcc -name ChangeLog -exec ./cplog {} ${LOG_DATE} \;
+<p>Don't keep copies of the ChangeLogs in your CVS tree itself; that
+will slow down new checkouts.  Rather than keeping copies of the files,
+you can also get differences between ChangeLog files using</p>
+    cvs diff -D <i>date1</i> -D <i>date2</i> ChangeLog
+<p>When moving forward and doing incremental builds, use
+<code>contrib/gcc_update</code> rather than <code>cvs co</code> or
+<code>cvs update</code>.</p>
+<h3>CVS branches</h3>
+<p>CVS doesn't provide a straightforward way to check out a branch for a
+particular date, but this method seems to work.  To get the first date
+to test, do:</p>
+    cvs co -r <i>branch</i>
+    cvs up -j <i>branch</i> -j <i>branch</i>:&quot<i>date</i>&quot;
+<p>For additional dates do the following, which works even when the next
+date is earlier than the previous date:</p>
+    cvs up -j <i>branch</i>:&quot<i>prev_date</i>&quot; \
+           -j <i>branch</i>:&quot<i>next_date</i>&quot;
+<h2><a name="build_gcc">Build GCC</a></h2>
+<p>The kind of bug you are investigating will determine what kind of
+build is required for testing GCC on a particular date.  In almost
+all cases you can do a simple <code>make</code> rather than <code>make
+bootstrap</code>, provided that you start with a recent version of
+<code>gcc</code> as the build compiler.  When building a full compiler,
+enable only the language you'll need to test.  If you're testing a bug
+in a library, you'll only need to build that library, provided you've
+already got a compatible version of the compiler to test it with.  If
+there are dependencies between components, or if you don't know which
+component(s) affect the bug, you'll need to update and rebuild
+everything for the language.</p>
+<p>If you're chasing bugs that are known to be in <code>cc1plus</code>
+you can do the following after a normal configure:</p>
+    cd <i>objdir</i>
+    make all-libiberty
+    cd gcc
+    make cc1plus
+<p>This will build libiberty and <code>cc1plus</code>.  When you have
+<code>cc1plus</code>, you can feed your source code snippet to it:</p>
+    cc1plus -quiet <i>testcase</i>.ii
+<h2><a name="run_test">Run the test</a></h2>
+<p>Assuming that there is a self-contained test for the bug, as there
+usually is for bugs reported via GNATS, write a small script to run it
+and to report whether it passed or failed.  If you're automating your
+search then the script should tell you whether the next compiler build
+should use earlier or later GCC sources.</p>
+<p>Hints for coming up with a self-contained test is beyond the scope
+of this document.</p>
+<h2><a name="identify_patch">Identify the patch</a></h2>
+<p>Differences in the ChangeLog files will let you identify files that
+have changed.  If it's a small enough set you can guess which patch
+might have caused the regression and update only the files changed
+by that patch.  Remember to look at all ChangeLogs that might list
+relevant changes, not just the obvious ones.</p>
+<p>The following CVS commands can help you identify changes from one
+version of a file to another:</p>
+<li><code>cvs diff -D <i>date1</i> -D <i>date2</i> <i>file</i></code></li>
+<li><code>cvs log -N <i>file</i></code></li>
+<li><code>cvs log -N -d&quot;<i>date1</i>&lt;<i>date2</i>&quot; <i>file</i>
+    </code></li>
+<li><code>cvs annotate <i>file</i></code></li>
+<p>When you've identified the likely patch out of a set of patches
+between the current low and high dates of the range, test a source tree
+from just before or just after that patch was added and then add or
+remove the patch by updating only the affected files.  You can do this by
+identifying the revision of each file when the patch was added and then
+using <code>ccs update -r<i>rev</i> <i>file</i></code> to get the desired
+version of each of those files.  Build and test to verify that this
+patch changes the behavior of the test.</p>
+<h2><a name="problems">Problems</a></h2>
+<p>If one of the test builds fails, try a date or time slightly earlier or
+later and see if that works.  Usually all files in a patch are checked in
+at the same time, but if there was a gap you might have hit it.</p>
+<p>Sometimes regressions are introduced during a period when bootstraps
+are broken on the platform, particularly if that platform is not tested
+regularly.  Your best bet here is to find out whether the regression
+also occurs on a platform where bootstraps were working at that time.</p>
+<p>If a regression occurs at the time of a large merge from a branch,
+search the branch.</p>

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