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Re: Universal Character Names, v2

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Löwis <> writes:

Martin> A few issues need to be resolved with the Java compiler:
Martin> - somehow, defining HAVE_AS_UTF8 (which the patch does) triggers
Martin>   bugs in the mangler; it will now emit symbols like
Martin>     _ZN4java4lang6Double8<clinit>Ev

Martin> I'd appreciate if some Java expert could help with resolving
Martin> the first issue; resolving the second one seems simple.

I'm replying since nobody else has.  I'm not really an expert in this
area.  In Java <init> and <clinit> are special internal methods.  My
guess -- I'm not that familiar with the mangler -- is that we
currently rely on the mangler to turn `<' and `>' into more acceptable

`<init>' is the name of a constructor, so I think we mangle it
entirely differently (but I haven't checked).  We never generate
declarations for <clinit> in our CNI header files, and there is no way
to directly invoke this from C++.  So compatibility with the C++
compiler isn't an issue here.


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