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Re: [basic-improvements] try/finally support for c/c++ - more tests

Aldy Hernandez <> writes:


| Just think, if any of the nifty features presently available as
| extensions in GCC (inline, nested functions, labels as values, inline
| assembly, etc) were to be brought up now, I'm 99% sure they'd be shot
| down, purely because they were front end extensions.  I think we're
| loosing the GNU's Not Unix spirit.

I don't understand how you came to that conclusion.

Anyway, if you were to track, understand and fix the zillions of bugs
caused by extensions that were put there with no in-depth
understanding of its implications and interactions with the language
and explorations of alternatives (and sometimes with conflicting
semantics) I'm sure you would have a different stance. [ I did a tiny
part of bug tracking; that wasn't picnic and I certainly don't like
*some* extensions there in the language. I do find other useful. ] 

The issue isn't to shot down every extension.  The issue is, given
current experience with extensions (in the broad sense), given current
C++ (resp. C) semantics and facilities, given current front-end
complexities, bugs and plans, given a *clear* statement of
the problem what points of the solutions space should we consider.

The proposed patch is such a dramatic change that I can not imagine
that it would be checked in with no discussion.

-- Gaby

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