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Re: Implementing Universal Character Names in identifiers

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Löwis <> writes:

>> However, the ability to use these is part of the Java language
>> specification.  So we have a strong preference for supporting them on
>> all platforms.  We already do that by mangling the identifiers when we
>> see a non-ascii character.

Martin> There are many things in the Java language specification that
Martin> gcj does not do, or does not do equally well on all systems.

I don't understand this point.  It is true that we don't implement
everything perfectly.  But that doesn't imply that we're willing to
implement fewer things well.

Martin> Since you can get GNU binutils for all systems

Is that really true?

Martin> OTOH, I would not like to see two different approaches for g++
Martin> depending on the platform, and compatibility with C *is*
Martin> important for g++ - so I'd let g++ be guided rather by the C
Martin> requirements than by the Java requirements.

This seems reasonable.  I think we're unlikely to see a bug report if
this change is made.  However, if one comes it, it would clearly be a


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