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Re: compiler tweak offered

On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 08:31:19AM +0200, der Mouse wrote:
> I've finally gotten around to doing a hack to gcc I've been meaning to
> for a while, and I'm writing to offer it back to you people if you're
> interested.  It permits labeled control structure, as in
> 	for "outer" (elt=root; elt; elt=elt->link)
> 	 { while (...)
> 	    { ...
> 	      switch (...)
> 	       { ....
> 		 if (...) continue "outer";
> This affects do, for, while, switch, break, and continue statements.

I don't know about the other maintainers, but personally I
don't feel this extension adds enough expressiveness to 
warrent the maintanence hassle.  Really, this is just as
easily written as

	for (elt=root; elt; elt=elt->link)
	    while (...)
		if (...) goto continue_outer;

> Unfortunately it does cause a reinterpretation of certain very unusual
> legal C code, namely, any do-loop whose body is a non-brace-bracketed
> statement beginning with a string literal...

In addition, this is a major strike against your proposal.


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