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G77: patch to bitwise .AND. errors

 Sorry if this was sent twice (I was not subscribed to list the first time)

 Hi all concerned,

 Looking at the sources of 2.95.1 of gcc, I have noticed that with
-fugly-logint option all operations involving logicals would first cast
logical to int except for logical operations. 

 Now adding the casting section to the function that is called for
logical operations fixes the issue I had before: bug #`fortran/6491'.

 Here is a patch. Now I'd love if someone knowledgeable took a look at
it to check if it's crappy, dangerous, erroneous, stupid or what. My
knowledge of compilators being non-existent, and of coding in general
very limited.


  1- The patch
  2- Original message to gcc-help with 
  3- example Fortran File showing problem.

diff -cr gcc-2.95.1/gcc/f/expr.c gcc-2.95.1_hassan/gcc/f/expr.c
*** gcc-2.95.1/gcc/f/expr.c	Sat May 15 11:46:08 1999
--- gcc-2.95.1_hassan/gcc/f/expr.c	Tue May  7 14:51:56 2002
*** 11495,11501 ****
--- 11495,11520 ----
        /* else Leave it alone. */
+   /* Hassan's Temporary Addition to Fix logical and/or... */
+   if (lbt == FFEINFO_basictypeLOGICAL)
+   {
+ 	  ffebld_set_left (reduced, ffeexpr_convert (ffebld_left (reduced),
+ 				  l->token, op->token, FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER,
+ 				  FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT, 0,
+ 				  FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE,
+ 				  FFEEXPR_contextLET));
+   }
+   if (rbt == FFEINFO_basictypeLOGICAL)
+   {
+ 	  ffebld_set_right (reduced, ffeexpr_convert (ffebld_right (reduced),
+ 				  r->token, op->token, FFEINFO_basictypeINTEGER,
+ 				  FFEINFO_kindtypeINTEGERDEFAULT, 0,
+ 				  FFETARGET_charactersizeNONE,
+ 				  FFEEXPR_contextLET));
+   }
+   /* End Of Hassan's Temporary Addition */  
    return reduced;

Attachment: g77_logical_error_message
Description: Text document

        program parallel
        logical*4 l4, ll4
        logical*1 l1(4), ll1(4)
        logical*4 true /X'01010101'/
        integer i
        equivalence(l1, l4), (ll1, ll4)
C     Setting first and third elements of logical*4 to true
        ll1(1) = .true.
        ll1(3) = .true.
C     Using normal .and. operator
        l4 = ll4 .and. true

        do i =1, 4
                print *, l1(i)
C     Now using and(.,.) operator. The same applies for OR/XOR ...
	l4 = and(ll4, true)
        do i =1, 4
                print *, l1(i)



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