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x86_64 failure fix

q_regs_operand uses QI_REGS_P, while in x86_64 point of view, it really
means ANY_QI_REGS_P as it is not used in the upper halves context, where
ext_operand is used instead.

I've bootstrapped this i386 and installed as obvious.

Mon May  6 17:58:37 CEST 2002  Jan Hubicka  <>
	* i386.c (q_regs_operand): Use ANY_QI_REG_P.

Index: i386.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/config/i386/i386.c,v
retrieving revision 1.392
diff -c -3 -p -r1.392 i386.c
*** i386.c	4 May 2002 17:06:55 -0000	1.392
--- i386.c	6 May 2002 15:58:34 -0000
*************** q_regs_operand (op, mode)
*** 3139,3145 ****
      return 0;
    if (GET_CODE (op) == SUBREG)
      op = SUBREG_REG (op);
!   return QI_REG_P (op);
  /* Return true if op is a NON_Q_REGS class register.  */
--- 3139,3145 ----
      return 0;
    if (GET_CODE (op) == SUBREG)
      op = SUBREG_REG (op);
!   return ANY_QI_REG_P (op);
  /* Return true if op is a NON_Q_REGS class register.  */

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