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[Ada] Patch for last missing files

As noticed by Andreas, I still had missed two files.

2002-03-28   Geert Bosch <>

	* prj-pp.adb : New file.

	* : New file.

Index: prj-pp.adb
RCS file: prj-pp.adb
diff -N prj-pp.adb
*** /dev/null	Tue May  5 13:32:27 1998
--- prj-pp.adb	Thu Mar 28 07:12:10 2002
*** 0 ****
--- 1,647 ----
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                               P R J . P P                                --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                                 B o d y                                  --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                            $Revision$
+ --                                                                          --
+ --             Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.       --
+ --                                                                          --
+ -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+ -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+ -- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+ -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+ -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+ -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
+ -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
+ -- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
+ -- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
+ -- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
+ --                                                                          --
+ -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+ -- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+ --                                                                          --
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
+ with Hostparm;
+ with Namet;     use Namet;
+ with Output;    use Output;
+ with Stringt;   use Stringt;
+ package body Prj.PP is
+    use Prj.Tree;
+    Not_Tested : array (Project_Node_Kind) of Boolean := (others => True);
+    Max_Line_Length : constant := Hostparm.Max_Line_Length - 5;
+    --  Maximum length of a line.
+    Column : Natural := 0;
+    --  Column number of the last character in the line. Used to avoid
+    --  outputing lines longer than Max_Line_Length.
+    procedure Indicate_Tested (Kind : Project_Node_Kind);
+    --  Set the corresponding component of array Not_Tested to False.
+    --  Only called by pragmas Debug.
+    --
+    ---------------------
+    -- Indicate_Tested --
+    ---------------------
+    procedure Indicate_Tested (Kind : Project_Node_Kind) is
+    begin
+       Not_Tested (Kind) := False;
+    end Indicate_Tested;
+    ------------------
+    -- Pretty_Print --
+    ------------------
+    procedure Pretty_Print
+      (Project                            : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
+       Increment                          : Positive      := 3;
+       Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions : Boolean       := False;
+       Minimize_Empty_Lines               : Boolean       := False;
+       W_Char                             : Write_Char_Ap := null;
+       W_Eol                              : Write_Eol_Ap  := null;
+       W_Str                              : Write_Str_Ap  := null) is
+       procedure Print (Node : Project_Node_Id; Indent : Natural);
+       --  A recursive procedure that traverses a project file tree
+       --  and outputs its source.
+       --  Current_Prj is the project that we are printing. This
+       --  is used when printing attributes, since in nested packages they need
+       --  to use a fully qualified name.
+       procedure Output_Name (Name : Name_Id; Capitalize : Boolean := True);
+       --  Outputs a name
+       procedure Start_Line (Indent : Natural);
+       --  Outputs the indentation at the beginning of the line.
+       procedure Output_String (S : String_Id);
+       --  Outputs a string using the default output procedures
+       procedure Write_Empty_Line (Always : Boolean := False);
+       --  Outputs an empty line, only if the previous line was not
+       --  empty already and either Always is True or Minimize_Empty_Lines
+       --  is False.
+       procedure Write_Line (S : String);
+       --  Outputs S followed by a new line
+       procedure Write_String (S : String);
+       --  Outputs S using Write_Str, starting a new line if line would
+       --  become too long.
+       Write_Char : Write_Char_Ap := Output.Write_Char'Access;
+       Write_Eol  : Write_Eol_Ap  := Output.Write_Eol'Access;
+       Write_Str  : Write_Str_Ap  := Output.Write_Str'Access;
+       --  These two access to procedure values are used for the output.
+       Last_Line_Is_Empty : Boolean := False;
+       --  Used to avoid two consecutive empty lines.
+       -----------------
+       -- Output_Name --
+       -----------------
+       procedure Output_Name (Name : Name_Id; Capitalize : Boolean := True) is
+          Capital : Boolean := Capitalize;
+       begin
+          Get_Name_String (Name);
+          --  If line would become too long, create new line
+          if Column + Name_Len > Max_Line_Length then
+             Write_Eol.all;
+             Column := 0;
+          end if;
+          for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop
+             if Capital then
+                Write_Char (To_Upper (Name_Buffer (J)));
+             else
+                Write_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
+             end if;
+             if Capitalize then
+                Capital :=
+                  Name_Buffer (J) = '_'
+                  or else Is_Digit (Name_Buffer (J));
+             end if;
+          end loop;
+       end Output_Name;
+       -------------------
+       -- Output_String --
+       -------------------
+       procedure Output_String (S : String_Id) is
+       begin
+          String_To_Name_Buffer (S);
+          --  If line could become too long, create new line.
+          --  Note that the number of characters on the line could be
+          --  twice the number of character in the string (if every
+          --  character is a '"') plus two (the initial and final '"').
+          if Column + Name_Len + Name_Len + 2 > Max_Line_Length then
+             Write_Eol.all;
+             Column := 0;
+          end if;
+          Write_Char ('"');
+          Column := Column + 1;
+          String_To_Name_Buffer (S);
+          for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop
+             if Name_Buffer (J) = '"' then
+                Write_Char ('"');
+                Write_Char ('"');
+                Column := Column + 2;
+             else
+                Write_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
+                Column := Column + 1;
+             end if;
+             --  If the string does not fit on one line, cut it in parts
+             --  and concatenate.
+             if J < Name_Len and then Column >= Max_Line_Length then
+                Write_Str (""" &");
+                Write_Eol.all;
+                Write_Char ('"');
+                Column := 1;
+             end if;
+          end loop;
+          Write_Char ('"');
+          Column := Column + 1;
+       end Output_String;
+       ----------------
+       -- Start_Line --
+       ----------------
+       procedure Start_Line (Indent : Natural) is
+       begin
+          if not Minimize_Empty_Lines then
+             Write_Str ((1 .. Indent => ' '));
+             Column := Column + Indent;
+          end if;
+       end Start_Line;
+       ----------------------
+       -- Write_Empty_Line --
+       ----------------------
+       procedure Write_Empty_Line (Always : Boolean := False) is
+       begin
+          if (Always or else not Minimize_Empty_Lines)
+            and then not Last_Line_Is_Empty then
+             Write_Eol.all;
+             Column := 0;
+             Last_Line_Is_Empty := True;
+          end if;
+       end Write_Empty_Line;
+       ----------------
+       -- Write_Line --
+       ----------------
+       procedure Write_Line (S : String) is
+       begin
+          Write_String (S);
+          Last_Line_Is_Empty := False;
+          Write_Eol.all;
+          Column := 0;
+       end Write_Line;
+       ------------------
+       -- Write_String --
+       ------------------
+       procedure Write_String (S : String) is
+       begin
+          --  If the string would not fit on the line,
+          --  start a new line.
+          if Column + S'Length > Max_Line_Length then
+             Write_Eol.all;
+             Column := 0;
+          end if;
+          Write_Str (S);
+          Column := Column + S'Length;
+       end Write_String;
+       -----------
+       -- Print --
+       -----------
+       procedure Print (Node   : Project_Node_Id; Indent : Natural) is
+       begin
+          if Node /= Empty_Node then
+             case Kind_Of (Node) is
+                when N_Project  =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Project));
+                   if First_With_Clause_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      --  with clause(s)
+                      Print (First_With_Clause_Of (Node), Indent);
+                      Write_Empty_Line (Always => True);
+                   end if;
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Write_String ("project ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   --  Check if this project modifies another project
+                   if Modified_Project_Path_Of (Node) /= No_String then
+                      Write_String (" extends ");
+                      Output_String (Modified_Project_Path_Of (Node));
+                   end if;
+                   Write_Line (" is");
+                   Write_Empty_Line (Always => True);
+                   --  Output all of the declarations in the project
+                   Print (Project_Declaration_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Write_String ("end ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   Write_Line (";");
+                when N_With_Clause =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_With_Clause));
+                   if Name_Of (Node) /= No_Name then
+                      Start_Line (Indent);
+                      Write_String ("with ");
+                      Output_String (String_Value_Of (Node));
+                      Write_Line (";");
+                   end if;
+                   Print (Next_With_Clause_Of (Node), Indent);
+                when N_Project_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Project_Declaration));
+                   if First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Print
+                        (First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node), Indent + Increment);
+                      Write_Empty_Line (Always => True);
+                   end if;
+                when N_Declarative_Item =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Declarative_Item));
+                   Print (Current_Item_Node (Node), Indent);
+                   Print (Next_Declarative_Item (Node), Indent);
+                when N_Package_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Package_Declaration));
+                   Write_Empty_Line (Always => True);
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Write_String ("package ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   if Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Write_String (" renames ");
+                      Output_Name
+                        (Name_Of (Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of (Node)));
+                      Write_String (".");
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                      Write_Line (";");
+                   else
+                      Write_Line (" is");
+                      if First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                         Print
+                           (First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node),
+                            Indent + Increment);
+                      end if;
+                      Start_Line (Indent);
+                      Write_String ("end ");
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                      Write_Line (";");
+                      Write_Empty_Line;
+                   end if;
+                when N_String_Type_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_String_Type_Declaration));
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Write_String ("type ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   Write_Line (" is");
+                   Start_Line (Indent + Increment);
+                   Write_String ("(");
+                   declare
+                      String_Node : Project_Node_Id :=
+                        First_Literal_String (Node);
+                   begin
+                      while String_Node /= Empty_Node loop
+                         Output_String (String_Value_Of (String_Node));
+                         String_Node := Next_Literal_String (String_Node);
+                         if String_Node /= Empty_Node then
+                            Write_String (", ");
+                         end if;
+                      end loop;
+                   end;
+                   Write_Line (");");
+                when N_Literal_String =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Literal_String));
+                   Output_String (String_Value_Of (Node));
+                when N_Attribute_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Attribute_Declaration));
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Write_String ("for ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   if Associative_Array_Index_Of (Node) /= No_String then
+                      Write_String (" (");
+                      Output_String (Associative_Array_Index_Of (Node));
+                      Write_String (")");
+                   end if;
+                   Write_String (" use ");
+                   Print (Expression_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   Write_Line (";");
+                when N_Typed_Variable_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug
+                     (Indicate_Tested (N_Typed_Variable_Declaration));
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   Write_String (" : ");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (String_Type_Of (Node)));
+                   Write_String (" := ");
+                   Print (Expression_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   Write_Line (";");
+                when N_Variable_Declaration =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Variable_Declaration));
+                   Start_Line (Indent);
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   Write_String (" := ");
+                   Print (Expression_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   Write_Line (";");
+                when N_Expression =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Expression));
+                   declare
+                      Term : Project_Node_Id := First_Term (Node);
+                   begin
+                      while Term /= Empty_Node loop
+                         Print (Term, Indent);
+                         Term := Next_Term (Term);
+                         if Term /= Empty_Node then
+                            Write_String (" & ");
+                         end if;
+                      end loop;
+                   end;
+                when N_Term =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Term));
+                   Print (Current_Term (Node), Indent);
+                when N_Literal_String_List =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Literal_String_List));
+                   Write_String ("(");
+                   declare
+                      Expression : Project_Node_Id :=
+                        First_Expression_In_List (Node);
+                   begin
+                      while Expression /= Empty_Node loop
+                         Print (Expression, Indent);
+                         Expression := Next_Expression_In_List (Expression);
+                         if Expression /= Empty_Node then
+                            Write_String (", ");
+                         end if;
+                      end loop;
+                   end;
+                   Write_String (")");
+                when N_Variable_Reference =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Variable_Reference));
+                   if Project_Node_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Project_Node_Of (Node)));
+                      Write_String (".");
+                   end if;
+                   if Package_Node_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Package_Node_Of (Node)));
+                      Write_String (".");
+                   end if;
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                when N_External_Value =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_External_Value));
+                   Write_String ("external (");
+                   Print (External_Reference_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   if External_Default_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Write_String (", ");
+                      Print (External_Default_Of (Node), Indent);
+                   end if;
+                   Write_String (")");
+                when N_Attribute_Reference =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Attribute_Reference));
+                   if Project_Node_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node
+                     and then Project_Node_Of (Node) /= Project
+                   then
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Project_Node_Of (Node)));
+                      if Package_Node_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                         Write_String (".");
+                         Output_Name (Name_Of (Package_Node_Of (Node)));
+                      end if;
+                   elsif Package_Node_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node then
+                      Output_Name (Name_Of (Package_Node_Of (Node)));
+                   else
+                      Write_String ("project");
+                   end if;
+                   Write_String ("'");
+                   Output_Name (Name_Of (Node));
+                   declare
+                      Index : constant String_Id :=
+                        Associative_Array_Index_Of (Node);
+                   begin
+                      if Index /= No_String then
+                         Write_String (" (");
+                         Output_String (Index);
+                         Write_String (")");
+                      end if;
+                   end;
+                when N_Case_Construction =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Case_Construction));
+                   declare
+                      Case_Item : Project_Node_Id := First_Case_Item_Of (Node);
+                      Is_Non_Empty : Boolean := False;
+                   begin
+                      while Case_Item /= Empty_Node loop
+                         if First_Declarative_Item_Of (Case_Item) /= Empty_Node
+                           or else not Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions
+                         then
+                            Is_Non_Empty := True;
+                            exit;
+                         end if;
+                         Case_Item := Next_Case_Item (Case_Item);
+                      end loop;
+                      if Is_Non_Empty then
+                         Write_Empty_Line;
+                         Start_Line (Indent);
+                         Write_String ("case ");
+                         Print (Case_Variable_Reference_Of (Node), Indent);
+                         Write_Line (" is");
+                         declare
+                            Case_Item : Project_Node_Id :=
+                              First_Case_Item_Of (Node);
+                         begin
+                            while Case_Item /= Empty_Node loop
+                               pragma Assert
+                                 (Kind_Of (Case_Item) = N_Case_Item);
+                               Print (Case_Item, Indent + Increment);
+                               Case_Item := Next_Case_Item (Case_Item);
+                            end loop;
+                         end;
+                         Start_Line (Indent);
+                         Write_Line ("end case;");
+                      end if;
+                   end;
+                when N_Case_Item =>
+                   pragma Debug (Indicate_Tested (N_Case_Item));
+                   if First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node) /= Empty_Node
+                     or else not Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions
+                   then
+                      Write_Empty_Line;
+                      Start_Line (Indent);
+                      Write_String ("when ");
+                      if First_Choice_Of (Node) = Empty_Node then
+                         Write_String ("others");
+                      else
+                         declare
+                            Label : Project_Node_Id := First_Choice_Of (Node);
+                         begin
+                            while Label /= Empty_Node loop
+                               Print (Label, Indent);
+                               Label := Next_Literal_String (Label);
+                               if Label /= Empty_Node then
+                                  Write_String (" | ");
+                               end if;
+                            end loop;
+                         end;
+                      end if;
+                      Write_Line (" =>");
+                      declare
+                         First : Project_Node_Id :=
+                           First_Declarative_Item_Of (Node);
+                      begin
+                         if First = Empty_Node then
+                            Write_Eol.all;
+                         else
+                            Print (First, Indent + Increment);
+                         end if;
+                      end;
+                   end if;
+             end case;
+          end if;
+       end Print;
+    begin
+       if W_Char = null then
+          Write_Char := Output.Write_Char'Access;
+       else
+          Write_Char := W_Char;
+       end if;
+       if W_Eol = null then
+          Write_Eol := Output.Write_Eol'Access;
+       else
+          Write_Eol := W_Eol;
+       end if;
+       if W_Str = null then
+          Write_Str := Output.Write_Str'Access;
+       else
+          Write_Str := W_Str;
+       end if;
+       Print (Project, 0);
+       if W_Char = null or else W_Str = null then
+          Output.Write_Eol;
+       end if;
+    end Pretty_Print;
+    -----------------------
+    -- Output_Statistics --
+    -----------------------
+    procedure Output_Statistics is
+    begin
+       Output.Write_Line ("Project_Node_Kinds not tested:");
+       for Kind in Project_Node_Kind loop
+          if Not_Tested (Kind) then
+             Output.Write_Str ("   ");
+             Output.Write_Line (Project_Node_Kind'Image (Kind));
+          end if;
+       end loop;
+       Output.Write_Eol;
+    end Output_Statistics;
+ end Prj.PP;
RCS file:
diff -N
*** /dev/null	Tue May  5 13:32:27 1998
---	Thu Mar 28 07:12:10 2002
*** 0 ****
--- 1,80 ----
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                               P R J . P P                                --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                                 S p e c                                  --
+ --                                                                          --
+ --                            $Revision$
+ --                                                                          --
+ --             Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.            --
+ --                                                                          --
+ -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+ -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+ -- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+ -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+ -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+ -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
+ -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
+ -- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
+ -- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
+ -- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
+ --                                                                          --
+ -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+ -- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+ --                                                                          --
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ --  This package is the Project File Pretty Printer.
+ --  It is used to output a project file from a project file tree.
+ --  It is used by gnatname to update or create project files.
+ --  It is also used GLIDE2 to display project file trees.
+ --  It can also be used for debugging purposes for tools that create project
+ --  file trees.
+ with Prj.Tree;
+ package Prj.PP is
+    --  The following access to procedure types are used
+    --  to redirect output when calling Pretty_Print.
+    type Write_Char_Ap is access procedure (C : Character);
+    type Write_Eol_Ap  is access procedure;
+    type Write_Str_Ap is access procedure (S : String);
+    procedure Pretty_Print
+      (Project                            : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
+       Increment                          : Positive      := 3;
+       Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions : Boolean       := False;
+       Minimize_Empty_Lines               : Boolean       := False;
+       W_Char                             : Write_Char_Ap := null;
+       W_Eol                              : Write_Eol_Ap  := null;
+       W_Str                              : Write_Str_Ap  := null);
+    --  Output a project file, using either the default output
+    --  routines, or the ones specified by W_Char, W_Eol and W_Str.
+    --
+    --  Increment is the number of spaces for each indentation level.
+    --
+    --  W_Char, W_Eol and W_Str can be used to change the default output
+    --  procedures. The default values force the output to Standard_Output.
+    --
+    --  If Eliminate_Empty_Case_Constructions is True, then case constructions
+    --  and case items that do not include any declarations will not be output.
+    --
+    --  If Minimize_Empty_Lines is True, empty lines will be output only
+    --  after the last with clause, after the line declaring the project name,
+    --  after the last declarative item of the project and before each
+    --  package declaration. Otherwise, more empty lines are output.
+ private
+    procedure Output_Statistics;
+    --  This procedure can be used after one or more calls to Pretty_Print
+    --  to display what Project_Node_Kinds have not been exercised by the
+    --  call(s) to Pretty_Print. It is used only for testing purposes.
+ end Prj.PP;

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