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Re: PATCH: cvs.html

On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 09:40:42AM +0100, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> This "switches" anonymous CVS services from to
>, simplifies the page a bit, and improves markup.
>  <p>Set CVSROOT in your environment to
> +<code></blockquote>.
> +<p>Issue the command <code>cvs login</code>.  You will be prompted for
> +a password; reply with the empty string.</p>

I tried this on a machine where I normally use anonymous CVS access and
it didn't work:

elm3a83% CVSROOT=""
elm3a83% export CVSROOT
elm3a83% cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
elm3a83% cd gcc
elm3a83% contrib/gcc_update
Updating CVS tree
cvs update: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvs/gcc for user anoncvs
cvs update: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password
Adjusting file timestamps
CVS update of full tree failed.

Are your new instructions missing something, or does gcc_update need
tweaks for this, or did I just blow it somewhere?


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