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Re: Bootstrap comparison failure - cygwin and irix

Richard Kenner wrote:
>     Bootstrap comparison failure!
>     java/parse.o differs
> Well, can you take a look at the two .s files and see what differs?

Here it is:

-       .stabs  "buffer:(0,42)",128,0,8589,56
+       .stabs  "buffer:(0,43)=ar(14,33);0;79;(0,2)",128,0,8589,56

The length of the s files differs in 21 bytes. These are from the above
line I guess. [;(0,2)",128,0,8589,56] = 21 bytes.
There are some more diffs but from the same pattern below:

-       .stabs  "buffer:(0,42)",128,0,8589,56
+       .stabs  "buffer:(0,43)",128,0,8589,56


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