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Re: Adding constants to LO_SUM (Richard Kenner) writes:

>     I wouldn't describe GCC's incredibly complex alignment calculations as
>     "an object of a mode is aligned to the mode boundary".  See
>     GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT (which is overridable, although not overriden by
>     any contributed port), get_mode_alignment for the default, and
> Well, sure, but what I said is still true for nearly all practical purposes.
> For the most part, the only modes for which GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT and
> GET_MODE_BITSIZE differ are the complex modes, and you don't normally see
> MEMs of that mode.

I am working now on a port where BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT is 16, so I'm
pretty sure it covers more than just complex modes.  (This port
doesn't use LO_SUM yet, but it could very easily.)

>     Then you have to worry about ports where LO_SUM applies to the low 2
>     bits of the address, because they're word-addressed...
> Do we have such?

No idea.

- Geoffrey Keating <>

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