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Re: Fix for ?Fmode descriptions on non-8-bit-byte machines.

Joseph S. Myers wrote:-

> > Of course, what we really want is that SFmode is the same size as
> > SImode; on machines with 16-bit bytes, this means that the
> > single-precision mode is HFmode.
> What's HFmode?  I don't see any mention of it in rtl.texi.  For that
> matter, what are the following modes, all in machmode.def but not
> rtl.texi: PQImode, PHImode, QFmode, HFmode, TQFmode, QCmode, HCmode,
> V2QImode, V2HImode, V2SImode, V2DImode, V4QImode, V4HImode, V4SImode,
> V4DImode, V8QImode, V8HImode, V8SImode, V8DImode, V16QImode, V2SFmode,
> V2DFmode, V4SFmode, V4DFmode, V8SFmode, V8DFmode?

Now, that's a loaded question and enough to put anyone off :-)


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