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Re: autoconf 2.50 updates - libjava

>>>>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg <zackw@Stanford.EDU> writes:

Zack> There's a new macro called AC_NO_EXECUTABLES that does the
Zack> equivalent of that, but it also causes any use of AC_TRY_LINK or
Zack> AC_TRY_RUN to be rejected when autoconf runs.

I see an AC_TRY_LINK in libjava/ but not in boehm-gc,
libffi, or zlib.

The one I see is this:

AC_TRY_LINK([extern int data_start;], [return ((int) &data_start);],
  [AC_MSG_RESULT(found it)],
  [LIBDATASTARTSPEC="-u data_start libgcjdata.a%s"

Anthony, why did we need this?


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