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Re: Documentation generation patch [Take 2]

>>>>> "Gerald" == Gerald Pfeifer <> writes:

    Gerald> Mark, you mentioned a docs or doc directory -- which name
    Gerald> would you prefer and should this be a subdir of gcc or
    Gerald> directly under the top level? 

I like `doc', but if there's a particular convention that other GNU
programs follow, we should use that.

I don't think we should put it at the top level.  Remember that I am
biased differently from some other people: rather than aggregating the
world into one giant ball, I want to put interfaces in place so that
the components can be worked on separately.

Therefore, I think the manuals should stay with their respective
components.  But, if the GCC manual wants to go looking for the V3
manual and include it -- if it is present -- that is good.
Physically, though, I think the documentation for various packages
should live with the packages themselves.


Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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