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Re: Patch to remove some obsolete build/install problems docs

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> +  <li><a href="#retro">Antiquated systems</a></li>

I'm not a native speaker, but "antiquated" seems to have negative
connotations to me.

> +<h3><a name="retro"></a>Antiquated systems</h3>
> [...]
> +retrocomputing enthusiast wishes to make such a target work again

Also retro.

If you feel this is not a problem and the language could not seen as
insulting even by someone caring for such old systems, please go ahead
and commit the patch as is, else would you mind toning down the language
a bit before committing that patch?

(As a non-native speaker I usually don't have problems evaluating
technical and scientific contents, but when in doubt, I'm heading
for the cautious approach. ;-) )

And, you'll be glad to hear that the volunteer working on the conversion
of the installation documentation to texinfo has been making great
progress and we can hope to install his contributions within one month!

To ease his work we should refrain from making to many changes to the
current documentation in install/*.html, so if you're planning to do
some cleanups I suggest to wait a bit. Of course, this and other important
patches still should go in without delay.

Gerald "Jerry"

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