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Re: autoconf for type sizes

| | | That is, even a plain ./configure to prepare installation failed.
| | 
| | No, read better.
| Certainly.  Configuration stopped with after that message -- nothing
| was setup.

No, read even better.

| ....
| AC_OUTPUT(Makefile m4/Makefile man/Makefile doc/Makefile
|           tests/Makefile tests/atconfig)
| # Report the state of this version of Autoconf if this is a beta.
|   *[[a-z]]*)
|     cat <<EOF
| You are about to use an experimental version of Autoconf.  Be sure to
| read the relevant mailing lists, most importantly <>.
| Below you will find information on the status of this version of Autoconf.
|     sed -n '/^\* Status/,$p' $srcdir/BUGS;;
| esac

the message is displayed *after* the setup, and you cut your message
just after `config.status: creating bla blah'.

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