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Re: autoconf for type sizes

>>>>> "Alexandre" == Alexandre Oliva <> writes:

Alexandre> In any case, I suppose it would be worth to borrow CVS
Alexandre> autoconf's _AC_COMPUTE_INT framework, instead of
Alexandre> re-inventing the wheel in GCC.

Is there any good reason not to use CVS Autoconf?  I mean, let's
consider we release it now, or RSN.  So how about moving to 2.49d,
which I will `release' today, so that we know if we need to change
things for GCC in 2.50.

I fail to understand why people don't want to give a try to 2.49d.
It's only delaying problems.  What difference does it make to find a
problem with 2.49d as opposed to 2.50?

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