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PATCH: bugs.html

When I went through the GNATS database yesterday and today, more than
2/3 of the dozen or so reports for g++ I checked have been fixed since
GCC 2.95.2

So, *please* try a current snapshot or CodeSourcery's Online Test



Index: bugs.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/bugs.html,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -r1.26 bugs.html
< well-known bugs</a> and, if possible, try a newer development snapshot
< or <a href="">
< CodeSourcery's Online Test Compilation</a>.  If you want to report a
> well-known bugs</a> and, <strong>if possible in any way, try a current
> development snapshot
> or <a href="">CodeSourcery's
> Online Test Compilation</a></strong>.  If you want to report a

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