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Re: Enable libgcj for Linux targets

> >>>>> "Rod" == Rod Stewart <> writes:
> Rod> I also needed the following patch, not certain if this is
> Rod> completely correct:
> Rod> Index: boehm-gc/gcconfig.h
> Rod> -# if defined(LINUX) && defined(arm)
> Rod> +# if defined(LINUX) && defined(__arm__)
> This patch looks good to me.
> However, I believe I'll hold off until the branch is created to check
> it in.  I don't think that ARM Linux was on our list of Java targets
> (though we have had reports of it working in the past, I think), and
> I'm trying to abide by the checkin rules that Mark has laid down.
> Meanwhile, I've also forwarded this patch to Hans Boehm for his
> inspection.  If he likes it presumably it will end up in the master GC
> sources.

Well, if libgcj is enabled, then I suspect the patch is required, which 
makes it ok for checkin even now.

If libgcj is not enabled, then this code isn't being built at all, so it 
should make the patch ok for checkin as well.


PS  What is typical memory usage when compiling libjava (specifically 

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