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Re: Patch: cpp spec fix

[Tom, I hope you don't mind - I've cc-ed the main list again for
reasons you'll see below]

Tom Tromey wrote:-

> Do you have approval-granting permission for gcc.c?

No, but once when I waited for cpp-specific and otherwise straight
forward patches in the past, I got no response, and posted again.  I
hope I'm not misquoting here, but then rth basically said he had
assumed I would apply it since he felt it fell under the CPP remit.

So since then, for about 2 months now, I've gone by the rule that
committing simple changes related to CPP in non-CPP files is OK, and
no-one has complained.  I hope it's not presumptious.  If it is,
someone should speak up now :-)

If it's anything more than a minor change, or I'm not sure, of course
I ask for and wait for approval.

In any case, I think it's fair to say your patch falls under the
"obviously correct" banner.


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