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Re: One line performance tweak

On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 01:04:28PM -0800, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> >>>>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg <> writes:
>     Zack> I will bootstrap this along with a fix for cpplib's --help
>     Zack> problem (reported twice yesterday) - assuming it succeeds,
>     Zack> OK to apply?
> Definitely.  Nice catch.

It's still not enough for Peter's test case, though.  -ftime-report,
all entries consuming at least 1% of user time, with patch:

 expand                : 802.36 (83%) usr   0.26 ( 4%) sys 802.73 (83%) wall
 parser                :  27.73 ( 3%) usr   0.42 ( 7%) sys  28.25 ( 3%) wall
 jump                  :  19.63 ( 2%) usr   0.58 ( 9%) sys  20.27 ( 2%) wall
 garbage collection    :  16.94 ( 2%) usr   0.01 ( 0%) sys  16.96 ( 2%) wall
 scheduling 2          :  16.19 ( 2%) usr   0.49 ( 8%) sys  16.70 ( 2%) wall
 loop analysis         :  14.60 ( 2%) usr   3.24 (52%) sys  17.84 ( 2%) wall
 CSE                   :  10.87 ( 1%) usr   0.02 ( 0%) sys  10.90 ( 1%) wall
 global CSE            :  11.24 ( 1%) usr   0.20 ( 3%) sys  11.44 ( 1%) wall
 integration           :   8.58 ( 1%) usr   0.05 ( 1%) sys   8.64 ( 1%) wall
 global alloc          :   6.04 ( 1%) usr   0.10 ( 2%) sys   6.17 ( 1%) wall

and the profiler still says >60% of runtime in fixup_var_refs etc.

This isn't to say that 10% improvement on a one-line change is bad,
just to encourage people not to forget about this test case.

Unfortunately I don't see any easy way to speed up fixup_var_refs.  It
scans the entire insn chain looking for references to a specific RTX
(usually a REG, I imagine) and munges them - in different ways
depending on context, so we couldn't just use shared structure and
modify it once.  There's something going on with a hash table mapping
REGs to INSN_LISTs of their uses, but it doesn't seem to be used very

This is going on during RTL generation ("expand" phase) so we don't
have any nice data-flow information to help out, either.


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