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[PATCH] Fix tradcpp -include bug


compiling glibc-2.2 on powerpc-linux-gnu with current mainline exposed a bug 
in tradcpp's -include handling, it called finclude() with indepth==-1 and 
corrupted arbitrary memory while accessing instack[indepth]. This caused a 
null character to be output, confusing later processing in glibc.

I could reproduce the bug with a testcase as simple as:

	touch test1 test2
	gcc -traditional -E -undef -include ./test1 -x c ./test2 >murx

The attached Patch fixes it, OK to commit?

The output after the patch still misses the #line directives, but I think 
it's no goal to make this work for tradcpp?


	* tradcpp.c (main): Make sure finclude() is called with a valid
	indepth value while handling -include.

Index: gcc/tradcpp.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/tradcpp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -p -r1.27 tradcpp.c
--- gcc/tradcpp.c	2000/12/16 10:41:56	1.27
+++ gcc/tradcpp.c	2001/01/03 14:41:15
@@ -768,6 +768,7 @@ main (argc, argv)
      so that only their macro definitions matter.  */
+  indepth++;
   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
     if (pend[i].type == PD_FILE)
@@ -779,6 +780,7 @@ main (argc, argv)
 	finclude (fd, pend[i].arg, &outbuf);
+  indepth--;
   /* Pending directives no longer needed.  */

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