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Re: java patch: read compressed archives on Alpha

>>>>> Anthony Green writes:

 > On Sunday, December 10, 2000 3:53 AM, Andreas Jaeger [] wrote:
>> This implies that files will have a size of less than 2 GB.  Is this
>> really desired?

 > I'm sorry,  I don't see how my change does that.  Could you please explain?

I didn't check the whole file and just looked at the patch.  It might
be that I'm wrong but for my eye it looked as if I'm right (ok,
substitute 4 GB by 2 GB).

Your patch uses:

+  unsigned size; /* length of file */
+  unsigned uncompressed_size; /* length of uncompressed data */
+  unsigned filestart;  /* start of file in archive */

Since "size" will now only have 32bits, a single file in the directory
has a length of at most 4 GB.  Together with filestart this means that
it can be at most 4 GB away from the beginning of the zip file.

Did I miss anything?

 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs

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