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Re: V3 PATCH: Static data members

In article <> you write:
>IIRC, it *does* allocate storage when the data member is defined
>(except in case of AIX and other non-ELF platforms), 

Worrying slant.

I don't like at all stuff that says `it works everywhere (except on non-ELF

Please, the correct frame of mind  still is `it works on ELF platforms, but 
fails elsewhere'. There is already enough unintentional 
ELFisms/Linuxisms/gnumakeism/bisonisms creeping into the code as is...

Assertion: gcc is still supposed to be a portable compiler that is expected
to work flawlessly on a LARGE section of Unices ?

Because, once it starts going the way `oh hey, it works on ELF, so let's
use it and fuck the rest.', I'm getting off the boat and start working on
a portable compiler.

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