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Re: minor DJGPP config change

On Thu, 04 May 2000, Mark E. wrote:
> > One bad thing with setting  MD_EXEC_PREFIX to DJGPP binaries directory is that
> > we cannot more install cpp.exe there (the one which normally goes into
> > $prefix/bin). 
> Thanks. Would it be better to just delete it?


At least some long time ago there were discussion that gcc will break if
current directory will contain as.exe or ld.exe. Therefore MD_EXEC_PREFIX=$DJDIR/bin
were used. Maybe we can get rid of it. 

One more suggestion:

When testing gcc-2.96 for DJGPP I suggest to comment out LIBRARY_PATH in
DJGPP.ENV.  In earlier message I wrote nonsense about problems with searching
include files:

Really it was so: gcc-2.96 didn't found $DJDIR/lib as gcc tried to use relative
prefix. It seems that it is the same problem You met with MD_EXEC_PREFIX


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