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Re: compile and install bugs on irix

  In message <>you write:
  > Jeffrey A Law wrote:
  > >
  > > What I do not understand (I did not follow the whole thread) is why other
  > > folks are not having this problem.  What is different about the particula
  > r
  > > system that's choking on libz right now?
  > >
  > > jeff
  > What happens is that libz is not needed when building makeinfo:
  > > cc -g  -o makeinfo  makeinfo.o multi.o ../lib/libtxi.a ../intl/libintl.a 
  > -lz
  > ld32: WARNING 84: /usr/lib32/ is not used for resolving any symbol.
  > and when I launch makeinfo I get:
  > > ./makeinfo
  >  7387:./makeinfo: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/lib32/libiflPNG.s
  > o:
So, what makes your irix system different from mine?  THe makeinfo built
during the build process works just fine.  I just configure & make, nothing


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