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Re: wwwdocs changes

>>>>> "GP" == Gerald Pfeifer <> writes:

 GP> Funny, just this morning I stumbled across that, too, when I
 GP> prepared that HTML patch I submitted today. ;-)

Sorry, I don't see egcs-patches.  I hope I haven't conflicted with
what you did...

 GP> Personally I prefer that white background, but you are absolutely
 GP> right: Either no colors at all or both background _and_
 GP> foreground colors, as in <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000"
 GP> LINK="#3333FF" VLINK="#336633"> for example.

I normally resist facist attempts to change my link colours anyway,
otherwise I'd often get confused about what _are_ links.  I guess this
isn't egcsactly the most important thing to worry about, though.

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