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Re: Wow..

On 3 February 2015 at 00:03, mr.X wrote:
> Hello GCC team!
>   First of all, excuse me for bad english.
>   So, why can't I do this (real code parts):
>   ----------------------------- g++ --std=c++14
>   unsigned long long a = 0;
>   shared_ptr< char* > c = make_shared<>()

This is not valid code, I assume you mean make_shared<char*>()

That creates a char* and initializes it as a null pointer, so *c == nullptr.

>   void f( ull* P )
>   {
>      if( *P == a )          -- seg fault here. if i comment it..
>      if( *c != nullptr )    -- seg fault here then.
>                cout << "It's ok!\n"; -- never printed!
>   }
>   f( &a );
>   ----------------------------- g++ --std=c++14

Please post a complete working example showing the problem, not
incomplete pieces of code that cannot be compiled. That means you must
show the code including all headers, 'using namespace std' etc.

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