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Re: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile: -a64 unsupported

On 26 November 2013 12:14, dellair jie wrote:
> Hello Jon,
> Regarding the q32 option, I think it is a default behavior of xlc
> compiler, it automatically adds q32 to build 32 bit objects.

But the option is being added to a gcc command, not xlc.

You might need to look earlier in libgcc/config.log for other relevant errors.

> I added one more option "--disable-multilib", and the build seems to
> go further then stopped at: Permission denied to
> /usr/local/include/time.h
> In fact, the correct local include directory is: /usr/include instead
> of /usr/local/include, any idea how we can specify it for compilation?

It will automatically look in /usr/include

The error suggests it is trying to also look in /usr/local/include but
doesn't have permission to.

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