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Re: Template linker errors with gcc 4.6.3

On 4 November 2013 16:08, David Aldrich wrote:
> Hi
>> Are your function templates defined in the headers that EVD.cpp includes?
> Yes, EVD.cpp includes:
> #include "Matrix.h"
> and Matrix.h contains:
> template<class T> class Matrix : public MatrixBase {
> public:
>     <snip>
>     static Matrix<T> eye( unsigned a_size, T a_scalingFactor=1.0 ) DONT_INLINE;
>     <snip>
> }

Then that's the problem.  As I said, function templates must be
defined in every file that uses them, or explicitly instantiated.

I don't know why your code worked previously, it looks invalid (if you
don't have explicit instantiations in some other file.)

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