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Re: Clarification on Gcc's strict aliasing rules

On 11/12/2010 07:45 PM, Francis Moreau wrote:
> "Segher Boessenkool" <> writes:
>>> But you finally said
>>>     - you can not access it as int:
>>>         that object (t.i) does not have a stored value therefore it
>>>         doesn't exist.
>> (Your words, not mine -- and such sloppy wording gets you into trouble,
>> the standard does not talk about any of this.  It is one way of looking
>> at it though).
> So what did you mean by this ?
>    > could you tell me what the effective type of 't.i' object ?
>    int, if you can say that object exists at all: it does not have a stored
>    value.  The stored value of t is a double with value 3.0 .  You can
>    take its address and access it via that as "double" (or "char"), or you
>    can access it as the union it is.  You can not access it as "int".
>>> This is what I understood from what you said, please correct me if I'm
>>> wrong.
>>> However doing:
>>>      int i = t.i;
>>> is defined in C (as long as there's no trap representation) even if 't.i'
>>> object has no stored value.
>> Actually, I think this is a GCC extension, and I was mistaken to say it
>> is valid C99 before.  Standard C allows you to read from t.d or t, but not
>> t.i, after storing into t.d .
> No.
>    t.d = 3.0;
>    i = t.i;
> is well defined in C.
> Again, what's ambiguous is the example given by the GCC man:
>    int *ip;
>    t.d = 3.0;
>    ip = &t.i;
>    return *ip;
> which produces code that might or not work.
> 6.5p7 lists this as a possible alias case and I can't find any rule in
> the standard that could invalidate it.
> So either GCC is not conformant in this regard or I'm missing something.

It's worth looking  at


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