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Re: Creating C++ IntelliSense with gcc front end

Klesk <> writes:

> I would like to write something like Visual Studio IntelliSense and I
> thought to use gcc front end to help me get necessary information from
> C++ files. Because I'm a newbie in gcc development I would like to ask
> if it's possible. I guess the biggest problem is performance - I mean
> I can get any information I want from the tree how to update tree fast
> enough (I don't want to parse entire project every time I press
> ctrl+space) ?
> I'm looking for any advice... for example would it be good to store
> somewhere entire tree, or just identifiers and then parse only changed
> parts ?

I think it would be hard.  You should take a look at Tom Tromey's
unfinished incremental compiler project.


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