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GCJ and the autotools


I'm trying to build a binary distribution of a framework called JCLEC written in Java, using GCJ 4.2. The structure is similiar to any Java project, I have many directories with java source but only one file is an executable. This source is in the top-level of the tree, and the rest of the java classes are auxiliar to this executable. How can I write to create a tarball package with the binary distribution of the framework?. I search in Automake and Autoconf manuals but its don't help me. I must link a principal class to the other classes in other folders, if the autotools don't be able to do this, how can I automatize the compilation process?

All the documentation that I found talks about how to compile a single program with only one or two classes, all in the same folder. How can I build a complex project?
I'll thanks a lot any answer or any useful documentation.

Sorry for my english.
Best regards.

Francisco Javier Velasco Arjona Ingeniería Informática

Universidad de Córdoba (España) ******************************************************

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