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Re: How to traceback call stack on MIPS arch?

"PRC" <> writes:

> -fno-omit-frame-pointer may be what I want, since the programs are running
> in a native embeded system without glibc.
> I have read the gcc manual and noticed the option -fomit-frame-pointer. But
> the manual says nothing about -fno-omit-frame-pointer. Is it a default 
> convention that each -fxxx option has a -fno-xxx counterpart?

Yes, and this convention is documented.

    Many options have long names starting with `-f' or with `-W'--for
    example, -fmove-loop-invariants, -Wformat and so on.  Most of
    these have both positive and negative forms; the negative form of
    -ffoo would be -fno-foo.  This manual documents only one of these
    two forms, whichever one is not the default.


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