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Re: A problem related with installation of gcc 4.2.1?

Simon King wrote:

> I get the following error message:
>   `/usr/local/sage-'
>   ./InitSettings: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not
>   found (required by ./InitSettings)

This simply means that there is a disparity between the version of
libstdc++ that you linked InitSettings with versus the one that is being
found at runtime.  You need to tell the dynamic linker (man the
location of the libstdc++ that corresponds to the gcc version used to
compile and link the app, because right now it's finding the system one
in /usr/lib64 which is too old.  Normally you do this with
LD_LIBRARY_PATH but there are other ways.

Symbol versioning allows one library file to contain multiple versions
of a symbol, which allows for backward but *not* forward compatibility. 
In other words, the library version at runtime can be newer than the one
that the app was linked with but never older.

For the details on libstdc++ versioning, see


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