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Re: compiling program

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:14:59 -0700, minar wrote:

> Hi,
> cc -e MQStart -bE:MYFORMAT.exp -bM:SRE -o /var/mqm/exits/MYFORMAT \
> MYFORMAT.c -I/usr/mqm/inc -L/usr/mqm/lib -lmqmzf
> I need to compile the specified program using gcc.Thus,what changes
> should I have to make to above command to compile the program using gcc.

The -L, -I and -l options probably mean the same thing to gcc as to 
whatever "cc" is - but since you haven't said what system/compiler the 
above line is for, no-one can be sure.

Otherwise, RTFM:

Lionel B

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