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Re: Problems with building gcc 4.2.1

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon King <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 22:09:00 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Problems with building gcc 4.2.1

Good evening.

Currently i'm using gcc 4.1.2. Now i wanted to install ATLAS (for linear
algebra), and its README file recommended to use either gcc 3 or gcc 4.2,
since gcc 4.1 produces ATLAS code that is significantly slower.

Therefore i tried to install gcc 4.2.1

First, i don't know how to tell yast that it shall install gcc 4.2.1 (yast
would only install 4.1). Perhaps you have a hint...
you may have to wait for SuSE 10.3, or build it yourself

Then, i downloaded the sources, and did ./configure and make. But make
where the instructions say you must configure in a clean directory.
Tim Prince

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