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Re: gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory

Ernest L. Williams Jr. wrote:
I would like to relocate a gcc installation to another directory on
another computer but I get the famous:

gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory

Usually this just works, assuming you move the entire installed tree
as a unit without rearranging subdirectories.
[ernesto@lcls-dev2 bin]$ ./powerpc-rtems-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: powerpc-rtems
Configured with: /afs/slac/package/rtems/4.7/host/src/gcc-4.0.2//configure --target=powerpc-rtems --prefix=/afs/slac/package/rtems/4.7/host --exec-prefix=/afs/slac/package/rtems/4.7/host/i386_linux24

For the last configure option I myself would consult the "Installing GCC" manual and what this '--exec-prefix='
will cause. As can be seen here, there are TWO different $prefix values for the toolchain when the default is
only that ONE $prefix given by '--prefix='... But when you used the '--exec-prefix=', it is assumed that you
really know what it causes to the relocatability! Ok, the rows in '' ("Manual"....) were :

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The following standard autoconf options are supported. Normally you should not need to use these options.

Specify the toplevel installation directory for
architecture-dependent files. The default is prefix.

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Maybe only the '--prefix=$prefix' will be used when calculating those new search paths and the usual :


will be searched, not your expected :


If the '--exec-prefix=$exec_prefix' causes just this... But as was said, the responsibility is yours when
you used a "normally not needed" feature :(

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