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Re: CentOS - shared object cannot be dlopen()ed

residentmoron wrote:

> Here is the area of focus:
> shared object cannot be dlopen()ed
> I am pretty sure that is being resolved and actually
> found, however, I think this message means that the shared object
> cannot be dynamically opened.  I have no idea how to move forward.  I
> didn't think setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH would make a difference, however,
> I tried setting it anyway.  I was right about that one.  No
> difference.
> Do I need to recompile with some type of switches to make it
> dlopenable??

In 4.2.x libgomp was built with -Wl,-z,nodlopen to prevent it being
dlopened, I believe so that it could use a more efficient TLS model.  I
think this has been changed in 4.3.  See below:



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