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pthread_create/gcc/gcc-libc bug?


I'm having problems trying to create a thread with a user supplied
stack in a shared object. I get a "segmentation fault". The error does
not happen if there are no shared objects involved.

The detail is:
- I have a "d.cpp" source with a main() that calls my_pthread_create
in a shared object ""
- my_pthread_create in "c.cpp":
  - I malloc 1MB + a page size bytes
  - set the pointer to the pthread_attr_t object with
pthread_set_stack( ptr, 1MB )
  - call pthread_create
  - crash!

The question is: what is the problem? Am I doing something wrong?

In the attachement I send the sources and a readme with the output of
gcc -v, uname -a and a stack trace of the failure.


  Juan Carlos Franzoy
Licenciado en Sistemas

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