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Re: any companies provide services for building gcc on different platforms?

Hi Bob,

> Are there companies that will provide this service for us, or provide
consultation on the best course of action?

Red Hat probably can provide you with GCC 4.1 for Red Hat 7.3.  I believe
they provide a tool called 'rpm' (Red Hat Package Manager, or these days the
recursively designated RPM Package Manager) which can install GCC.

For Solaris, you can probably get a prebuilt GCC here:

For AIX, try here:

If you want to hire companies to set up and install GCC on your various
platforms, Red Hat, Sun, and IBM all provide experienced consultants that
can do that for you.  With the caveat that Red Hat consultants probably only
work on Red Hat Linux.  Sun consultants for Sun.  IBM consultants for IBM.


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