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g++ compile time calculations

I'm trying to figure out how to do some compile time C++ template
programming.  I have something working that calculates the length of a
string, but I'm not sure how to evaluate what is actually being done
at compile time and what is being done at run time.  Here's is my

template <class T>
class StringLength
		static int eval(T* a)
				{	return ((*a) == '\0') ? 0 : (StringLength<T>::eval(a+1) + 1);  }

template <class T>
inline int stringlength(T* a) { return StringLength<T>::eval(a); }

//in main somewhere
cout << stringlength<>("This is a string") << endl;

My GCC version is gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341). I'm on OSX 10.4.8 on a PPC. Basically, I'm trying to find out what compiler output I can look at or somehow query things at runtime to find out what did and didn't compile down.


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