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Re: Data Flow


 >At the tree level, we use SSA form, where most of the standard
 >dataflow information (use def chains, def use chains, reaching
 >definitions) is explicitly in the IR, not in some on the side
 >structure that you can dump.

 >You can dump the IR for any pass using -fdump-tree-<pass>-all


  Daniel Berlin,

  I was trying to get a data flow, but according to your message I could
  realize that I am not in the right way.  :P

  So, let me explain to you what I want, and see if you or anyone else
  can help me.

  I don't know much about compilation and flow information. Actually, I
  work with integrated systems, specifically reconfigurable
  architecture. And what I need is to get a c written application and
  extract its data flow so I can analyze and decide what is gonna run in
  my architecture. 

  I don't have any demands about what commands to use, I just found the
  -fdump, and supposed that it would be useful.

  I have already looked for free tools to use, but what I have found
  isn't appropriated for several reasons, for example: the code is
  optimized according to the processor used, and very often the
  processor isn't an open project, so, the graph isn't useful because is
  to particular for that processor.

  So, if you know any tool that generates these data flows or if I can
  extract this through gcc commands it is enough to me.


   Thanks for your attention.


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