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Re: Why a specific gcc runtime is needed?

Thanks Ian.

Do you think to link with static libc is a solution? I know how to link with a static library by using -static. My question is how to link with libc static library, because I have never done it before -- I think there must be something special for link with libc itself. I am wondering where is the location of the libc static lib? what should be the lib name, something like this -- all specific to libc itself.

Any samples to refer?


----- Original Message ----
From: Ian Lance Taylor <>
To: Lin George <>
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Why a specific gcc runtime is needed?

Lin George <> writes:

> Why running a program on a specific platform (Linux), there are
> runtime errors which mentions that specific LIBC runtime version is
> required (for example, GLIBC_2.3.3).
> I think C runtime should be compatible (means using one version of
> gcc to build a program, it should be able to run on platform which
> contains another version of gcc runtime). I am not sure whether this
> error is caused by some wrongly used compile/link options (which
> binds this program to specific C runtime version)?

As already noted, this is not a gcc issue.  It is a glibc issue.
glibc and gcc are separate projects.

I'll add that glibc is backward compatible: if you link against glibc
version N, then you can run with glibc versions M >= N.  The problem
you are encountering is that glibc is not in general forward
compatible: you can not necessarily run on glibc versions M < N.  In
those cases where the program will not work with an older version of
glibc, you get a helpful error when the program starts, rather than a
confusing error at runtime.

It would be difficult to design a system which permitted full forward
compatibility with interfaces as complex and efficient as the ones
provided by glibc.  I don't personally have any idea how one might do
it.  But it would definitely be a nice feature.


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