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gcc exception handle


Here is My test function :

class A
char string[SIZE];

void test1(void)
   A obj;

try {
throw obj; }
catch (A &e)
printf("exception ! \n");

when SIZE <= 68,"__cxa_allocate_exception" allocates space for the exception successfully,after "__cxa_throw" is called,"__cxa_begin_catch" is called,and the statement "printf..." in the catch block can be executed.
when SIZE > 68, ,"__cxa_allocate_exception" also allocates space for the exception successfully,but after "__cxz_throw" is called,"__cxa_end_catch" is called,and the program crashed.

Did the error occur in compilation period or link period?
How can I make the compiler support SIZE <= the size of Task Space?

Any suggestions?

thank you!

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