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Re: Default 32 bit output

ArtÅras Moskvinas kirjoitti:
John (Eljay) Love-Jensen wrote:
The "../configure" part means it won't work, since you cannot build
GCC in the GCC source directory, nor any subdirectory thereof, and
that the GCC source should be rm'd and re-untar'd
What are the problems I should see?
It is unsupported way of doing things.
So what on earth this has to do with me? Should I expect some "support" from someone?
Usually things works totally vice versa... The fact is that if something doesn't work, I will fix
that at least locally! "Other do what they can do, we do what we want to do!", is the old
saying in our family...

That "we" in the text could at least tell his/her real name, maybe the problems didn't at all
come from sane things in the configury system but from something which were bugs and
were later fixed... Someone had problems and thought that the problems came from the
$build directory place.

That there could be any restrictions for the $build directory sounds being just one bug. The
goal really cannot be that there were any. The '$GCC_SRC/met_tehemme' is just one
possible (but obvious) choice for a '<something>/met_tehemme' $build place and there
shouldn't be any reason to do anything in the downward '<something>', these doings resulting
purely from the place of the $build directory itself... (The 'met_tehemme' is a Laplandian
equivalent of the english 'build').

If I will find any bugs in the use of "some specific $build place", I will report them as bugs.
An empty $build directory anywhere, even inside the GCC sources, should really work !

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