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Re: Comments in assember output


After thinking about this some more, I believe the problem is that the "-S" flag tells the driver (gcc) to stop after the compiler generates the assembly code. In other words, it never actually runs the assembler.

And since the assembler is the process that generates the listing file, no listing output is ever generated.

I do not know why the mixed source/assembly listing is generated by the assembler, rather than the compiler, but I am sure there is a good technical reason for that, possibly having to do with optimizations made by the assembler. :)

Tony Wetmore
Solipsys Corporation (

Artur Krzysztof Szostak wrote:
Something like
cas$ g++ -c -g -O3 -Wa,-ahl=cas.s cas.c
cas$ sed -n /func/,40p cas.s

This works thank you. But I wonder why should not work with g++ -S -g -O3 -Wa,-ahl=cas.s cas.c like I was trying.

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